Meeting with the Governor / Zaporizhzhya – 18.11
24 November 2020

Yesterday, November 18, head of the Zaporizhzhya regional state administration Vitaliy Brovin met with representatives of the Norwegian company NBT, which is implementing a project of construction of the wind farm “Zophia” in the region.
Representatives of the Norwegian company NBT discussed with the management of the regional state administration the current state of implementation of the project.
In 2019, NBT acquired a project to build a wind farm on the territory of Yakymivska and Kyrylivska communities in the region. In December the same year, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration and NBT, with which agreements were reached to attract investments of infrastructure in the region. The total investment is planned in the amount of 1.2 billion euro
Within the framework of the project “Zophia” it is planned to build from 160+ wind installations with an installed capacity from 4,5 to 5 MW. It is expected that annually WPP will produce about 790+ MWh of electricity. Once completed, the project will be Europe’s second largest windfarm.
Project documentation has already been developed and reports of the beginning of construction works have been registered. The project’s environmental impact was assessed, including the studied species of plants and animals near the WPP construction site. The study involved representatives of the Department of Environmental Protection of the Regional State Administration together with NGOs that care about environmental protection and scientists working in the field of ecology. According to the results of the study, appropriate adjustments were made to the plan for the placement of windmills.

During yesterday’s meeting, Vitaliy Brovin emphasized the need to involve residents of the region and local contractors who will pay taxes to local budgets. Separately, the Head of the Regional State Administration stressed the need to coordinate construction works, including works related to the development of additional infrastructure of the project, access roads and placement of bases for storing materials with community leaders in the territories where the wind park will be built.
Separately, the parties stopped at the discussion of the logistics plan for the transportation of materials and equipment. The agreed route scheme should ensure that weights are respected, the use of local road loads are reduced and that road collapses in the holiday season are prevented.
The “start” of construction works is planned in December. Completion – in 2023. More than 500 people will be involved in the construction. During the operational phase, the wind park will provide up to 150 people. Vitaliy Biovin drew the attention of the project team that in order to find young personnel who will ensure the work of the wind park in the future, you can apply to the educational institutions of Zaporizhzhya region.
The Project CSR & Communications Director, Ingrid Sara Grimstad additionally noted that it is an important issue for the company to cooperate with the local community. Therefore, an important part of the project “Zophia” is dialogue in the social environment. The project team is ready to implement significant initiatives in cooperation with local communities. Priority areas for them are: education; health care; infrastructure; environmental issues, culture and sports. In total, Norwegian company NBT plans to attract more than 15 million euros in the social sphere of the region.